World Bank: Share of buildings in Azerbaijan’s energy consumption higher than global average

FEBRUARY 22, 2024

Today, a workshop on Energy Efficiency Market Assessment Early Findings for Development of the National Renovation Program in Buildings Sector was held with the participation of the representatives of Government of Azerbaijan, energy suppliers and utilities, public sector building owners, international financial institutions, and donors.

The workshop was organized under the Energy Efficiency and Climate Technical Assistance program implemented by the World Bank and financed by the European Union (EU) within the Azerbaijan Rapid Technical Assistance Facility (AZTAF) program.

It was noted that buildings in Azerbaijan account for approximately 55% of energy consumption, this is significantly higher than the global average of 35%. The country has been implementing various initiatives and programs to enhance energy efficiency in the building sector, however, there is a need for a programmatic and extensive approach to reach results on the ground.

Feedback on the key findings of the Draft National Renovation Program Roadmap for the renovation of private (residential and commercial) and public buildings in Azerbaijan, preliminary results of the market assessment of the EE potential in public buildings, and results of the capacity needs assessment for the implementation of the National Renovation Program were discussed et the event.

AZTAF is technical assistance program for the Republic of Azerbaijan, aiming to provide advisory and analytical support and capacity building to the government of Azerbaijan in line with the Azerbaijan 2030 National Priorities.