Brody-Plotsk pipeline construction may begin after end of Russian-Ukrainian war

FEBRUARY 05, 2024

The construction of the Brody-Plotsk pipeline, intended for the supply of oil products from the Caspian basin countries to the European market, can begin only after the end of the Russia-Ukraine war, Sergei Skripka, Director General at International Pipeline Enterprise Sarmatia.

According to him, it has already been included in the program for the recovery of Ukraine: "Of course, the interruption in the implementation of this project was inevitable. None of the shareholders of Sarmatia and the participating states have given up on this project and are not doing so. Our founders provide support for the continuation of the company's activities. If the appropriate decision is taken, this will allow to start the phase of realization of this project after the Russian-Ukrainian war."

He noted that it is very difficult to say which years this program will cover: "However, we hope that this project will be realized after the end of the war. However, it is a good thing that our project was included in the program for the recovery of Ukraine. After that, it will be possible to receive financial support from international donors as well as from the European Union."

Skripka said that currently, the main task of the enterprise is to maintain the area allocated for the construction of the pipeline: "Pipeline construction is intensively underway in Poland. In this regard, several times a year, Sarmatia participates in events related to the change of the route, including the areas through which the pipeline passes, and works for the preservation of this area. This will provide opportunities for the implementation of the project in the future."