Circular economy for green recovery in Ukraine

DECEMBER 13, 2023

This year’s EU4Environment national conference on “Circular economy for green recovery in Ukraine” commemorates the 10th anniversary of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre in Ukraine.

The conference will take place on 19 December 2023 in a hybrid format. Simultaneous interpretation (Ukrainian-English and vice versa) will be provided.

The conference is open to all stakeholders interested in and working on issues related to greening industry, Circular Economy, Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP), waste management, and environmental protection.

The interested participants are welcome to join online and register in advance here.

The conference aims to highlight and promote resilience and green growth within Ukrainian enterprises by showcasing the benefits of Circular Economy (CE), and RECP in particular. Additionally, the event will provide an opportunity to discuss and share experiences and practices on greening Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine. The event will cover the main features that enable the implementation of CE nationwide: policy support, national knowledge development, and CE practices.

The expected outcomes are to better understand the concept of CE, its benefits and features within various stakeholder groups, to consolidate efforts to implement CE at the national level in the coming years and to provide clear landmarks for national stakeholders to implement CE and green recovery. Key outcomes may include identifying best practices, fostering cooperation, showcasing solutions, and finding pathways to develop CE in Ukraine. Ultimately, the conference aims to contribute to the sustainable green recovery of Ukraine.

Draft Agenda