IFC: Azerbaijan has achieved significant results in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

NOVEMBER 30, 2023

In recent years, Azerbaijan has taken important steps in the field of climate change, especially in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and achieved significant results, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Regional Manager for the South Caucasus, Ivana Fernandes Duarte.

According to her, the private sector has great potential in terms of climate issues: “IFC mainly participates in projects related to the private sector. We believe that the private sector has great potential in terms of climate issues, and it is necessary to use this potential.”

Duarte said that there are great opportunities for private sector investments, especially in the agricultural sector, in the implementation of other smart agricultural projects related to climate change issues: “This can be provided both through direct private sector investments and through public-private partnerships. We, as the IFC, have always supported Azerbaijan in the field of economic development and diversification of the economy.”

She added that the IFC continues to support Azerbaijan in the direction of reducing carbon emissions.