Expert: Hungary interested in gas supplies from Azerbaijan via Southern Gas Corridor

SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

Hungary is interested in natural gas supplies from Azerbaijan via the Southern Gas Corridor, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs at Budapest Metropolitan University László Vasa told Report.

He noted that the Southern Gas Corridor is important for Hungary from the point of view of ensuring energy stability.

“The Southern Gas Corridor is essential for Hungary for diversification of its energy needs. We have contracts with Azerbaijan for gas deliveries but the capacities are limited. EU should pay more attention to the investments in the energy infrastructure in this part of Europe,” he said.

The expert also noted the existence of close relations between Azerbaijan and Hungary.

“Hungary has excellent relations with Azerbaijan since decades. We were always criticized by the Western European countries for maintaining good relations with Baku. Now we can see that these countries are queuing up to meet President Aliyev, trying to reach a good cooperation in the field of energy,” he added.