European wind energy output hits daily record

MARCH 15, 2021

European daily wind power generation has set a new record averaging 116 GW on March 11, data aggregated by WindEurope showed, Report informs referring to S&P Global Platts.

The sector generated 2.79 TWh in the 24 hours, narrowly exceeding the record set on Jan. 21.

Wind peaked at 122.9 GW, the unverified data from national TSOs via Entso-e show.

Wind covered 28.9 percent of demand across Europe, a sharp increase from 7 percent seen March 9 when wind averaged only 27 GW.

German daily wind generation of 1.02 TWh was the second-highest on record, peaking at 46.9 GW.

Belgium set a new national record at 4.038 GW, TSO Elia said.

Belgium was the only market with negative hourly prices March 11. Germany and Denmark saw negative hourly prices for March 12.

Year-to-date wind output of 95.5 TWh trails 2020 by 21 TWh.

Europe’s installed wind capacity reached 219.5 GW by end-2020.

Rising solar generation further deflated spot prices especially during mid-day hours.

Average power prices however remain supported by record-high EU carbon allowance prices.