Sandor Seremet: Gas supplies from Azerbaijan will contribute to Hungary's energy security

JUNE 22, 2023

The supply of Azerbaijani gas to Hungary will make it possible to achieve its goals in terms of energy supply and security, Sandor Seremet, senior researcher at the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (IFAT) said at the international seminar "Visegrad countries and Azerbaijan", which started in Baku today.

According to him, now the whole of Europe is in search of solutions to the energy crisis and diversification of supplies, which is one of the main tasks.

Seremet noted that LNG could be one of the solutions, but this requires the expansion of LNG terminals in Croatia, from where Hungary can receive liquefied gas.

"Hungary has signed several agreements to secure and diversify energy supplies. In December 2022, we signed a multilateral agreement between Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania on the transportation of green energy. In April 2023, a memorandum was signed on the Ring of Solidarity project, which will ensure the transportation of gas from alternative sources. And in June 2023, Hungary signed a contract with Azerbaijan for the supply of 100 million cubic meters of gas by the end of 2023," he said.