Industrial Waste Mapping (IWM) in pilot areas in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine

JUNE 12, 2023

Waste mapping is a common method used to quantify and demonstrate the distribution and management of waste within a geographic area. Its objective is to identify, assess, and map the waste streams of manufacturing enterprises in order to develop options for improved resource efficiency. This includes the analysis of the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste, together with the monitoring and regulation of the waste management process and waste-related laws, technologies, and economic mechanisms. An efficient waste management system creates increased business value for any manufacturing enterprise and contributes to the sustainability of industries and the promotion of economic opportunities.

The initiative on Industrial Waste Mapping in Pilot Areas was developed under by UNIDO under the EU4Environment Action in three selected Eastern Partnership countries:

Azerbaijan (Absheron-Khizi Economic Region (AER) and Baku Economic Region (BER)). Read the Executive Summary.

Georgia (Rustavi and Zestaponi municipalities). Read the Executive Summary.

Ukraine (Amalgamated Territorial Communities of Davydiv and Slavuta). Read the Executive Summary.