If interconnectors in Europe are built on time, then by the end of this year, we can start supply to Hungary and to Serbia

MAY 04, 2023

"We need to have capacity in transportation. TAP must be expanded," said the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, as he addressed the 4th international conference on “Shaping the Geopolitics of the Greater Eurasia: from Past to Present to Future” organized by ADA University to mark the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Shusha.

“As I said we have 20%, other companies they have also 20% almost except one. So, it must be a common decision to expand TAP. If TAP is not expanded, then there'll be no gas in TAP. So, TAP now is at the maximum capacity already. To expand TANAP is easier because in TANAP it is Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and BP. So, it is easier to do. But in TAP it is more difficult. We need to have access to the Trans-Balkan pipeline and to be able to supply countries which are waiting for our gas and if interconnectors in Europe are built on time, then by the end of this year, we can start supply to Hungary and to Serbia,” the head of state emphasized.