Media: Signing of quadrilateral energy agreement with Azerbaijan - golden opportunity for Europe

JANUARY 26, 2023

Recently, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, and Romania signed an agreement to build a strategic partnership regarding green energy. According to the document of the text, these four countries will be working together to develop a 1,195-kilometer submarine power cable underneath the Black Sea, thus effectively creating an energy transmission corridor from Azerbaijan via Georgia to Romania and Hungary.

For Europe, this is a golden opportunity that must be seized upon, says Modern Diplomacy.

According to the publication, Europe should switch as soon as possible to green energy supplies. This will enable Europe to be energy independent and fulfill its energy needs by relying upon better strategic partners, such as Azerbaijan:

"By having this submarine power cable underneath the Black Sea, Azerbaijan can supply not only Hungary and Romania with green energy but the rest of Europe as well if the project is expanded.

"Israel, as a world leader in renewable energy, can also play a role in helping Azerbaijan become the green energy supplier of the EU, as the whole project requires Azerbaijan to obtain increased energy transmission infrastructure. Israel can help Azerbaijan obtain this energy transmission infrastructure so that Azerbaijan can become Europe's green energy supplier."