The rules for energy labelling of energy related products have been defined

DECEMBER 12, 2022

The rules for energy labelling of energy related products have been defined. The rules were approved by the relevant decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.

These Rules define the rules for labelling energy related products placed on the market. These Rules do not apply to second-hand products, unless imported, and means of transport for persons or goods, as well as to products placed on the market and processed before these Rules come into force (except for imported products). The Ministry of Economy supervises compliance with the requirements of these Regulations.

The energy label is a document on the volume of energy consumption of equipment, devices and appliances that consume energy or affect energy consumption. It is a label affixed to equipment, devices and appliances which indicates energy consumption when the product is placed in the market for the first time in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Energy labeling requirements, supplier’s and seller’s (lessor) obligations are also defined. Energy labeling requirements are determined by these Rules and technical regulations, as well as reference standards and benchmark technical conditions. The supplier shall ensure that products that are placed on the market are accompanied, for each individual unit, free of charge, with accurate printed labels and with product information sheets in accordance with these Rules and the relevant technical regulations. The requirement to display the energy label on the product or its packaging is stipulated by the technical regulation.

At the request of the seller (lessor) or consumer, The supplier shall deliver printed labels and product information sheets to the dealer free of charge, promptly and in any event within five working days upon the dealer's request. The supplier shall ensure the accuracy of the labels and product information sheets that it provides and shall produce technical documentation sufficient to enable the accuracy to be assessed. The supplier and the seller (lessor) are responsible for the completeness, accuracy and compliance of the information provided in the energy label, information sheet and technical documentation of the product with the relevant technical regulation, referenced standards and referenced technical conditions.

Once a unit of a model is in service, the supplier shall request explicit consent from the customer regarding any changes intended to be introduced to the unit by means of updates that would be detrimental to the parameters of the energy efficiency label for that unit, as set out in the relevant technical regulation. For a period proportionate to the average lifespan of the product, the supplier shall give the customer the option of refusing the update without avoidable loss of functionality. The supplier shall not place on the market products that have been designed so that a model's performance is automatically altered in test conditions with the objective of reaching a more favourable level for any of the parameters specified in the relevant technical regulation or included in any of the documentation provided with the product.

The supplier stores information about the product (including technical documents) for the period specified in the relevant technical regulations based on the product's storage period and risk level, and provides that information immediately during inspection in accordance with the legislation. The seller (dealer) clearly displays the energy label of the product during the sale (including distance sale or rental) and provides the information sheet. In the absence of an energy label and data sheet, the seller (dealer) requests them from the supplier. The data sheet, including the information indicated on the energy label of the product, are provided to the consumer in an electronic or paper carrier by the seller (dealer).

The supplier and the seller (dealer) make reference to the energy efficiency class of the product and the range of the efficiency classes available on the label in visual advertisements or technical promotional material for a specific model in accordance with the relevant technical regulation. The supplier and the seller (the dealer) cooperate with the Ministry and take immediate action to remedy any case of non-compliance with the requirements set out in these Rules and the relevant technical regulations, which falls under their responsibility, at their own initiative or when required to do so by the Ministry. It is prohibited to provide and display labels similar to the energy labels stipulated in these Rules and technical regulations for products that do not fall under the scope of technical regulations.

It is prohibited to manufacture, place on the market, sell (lease), import or use the products that do not comply with the requirements of these Rules and technical regulations, which are not provided with an energy label or have not been assessed for conformity by the method provided for in the technical regulation (with the conformity assessment schemes (modules) and procedures that must be applied). The Ministry implements surveillance measures in the market for products that do not comply with the requirements of these Rules and technical regulations and ensures the withdrawal of products that do not comply with the requirements of these Rules and technical regulations in order to ensure the safety of consumers.