Azerbaijan approves document on requirements for energy administrator, relevant certification

DECEMBER 10, 2022

 'Requirements for energy administrator (manager) and procedure for their certification' have been approved in Azerbaijan.

The relevant decision was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers.

In order to ensure the implementation of subparagraph 1.1.6 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 20, 2021 No. 1433 on the application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 9, 2021 No. 359-VIQ on the efficient use of energy resources and energy efficiency, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a decision on approving the ‘Requirements for energy administrator (manager) and procedure for their certification’.

This decision can be amended in accordance with paragraph 2.6-1 of the ‘Regulations on procedure for preparation and adoption of normative legal acts of executive authorities’, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 24, 2002 No. 772.

In accordance with the document, persons with higher education in the field of energy, technical education and work experience in the relevant specialty for at least three years can be appointed as an energy administrator (manager) after passing the certification.

Another decision of the Cabinet of Ministers approved the ‘Form of qualification certificate for conducting energy audit, procedure for its issuance, suspension and cancellation of its validity, as well as procedure for maintaining register of energy auditors and energy audit organizations and exercising control over their activities’.