In search of natural gas amid energy crisis, European commissioner to visit Azerbaijan

JUNE 28, 2022

European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson will visit Azerbaijan in July. Simson made the announcement during the Forum on «Building a balanced and resilient energy sector in the three seas region» in Riga.

Noting that the EU Energy Platform is one of the key drivers of the EU efforts to diversity, she stated that this platform will aggregate EU gas demand and allow Europe to better and more efficiently use gas infrastructure.
She said:

 EU and Azerbaijan are in active dialogue on increasing gas supplies amid the energy crisis.
A joint statement on energy cooperation with the EU was signed more than 10 years ago.

The EU-Azerbaijan energy cooperation had reached a new level and is still ongoing within the framework of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC).
The EU places a high value on energy supply diversification, and the SGC is particularly important in this regard.

To recall, with the completion of the TAP construction on December 31, 2020, Azerbaijan began commercial gas supplies to Europe via the SGC.

The SGC is an initiative of the European Commission for a gas supply route from the Caspian and Middle Eastern regions to Europe.
The route from Azerbaijan to Europe consists of the South Caucasus Pipeline, TANAP and TAP.

Last year, TAP transported 8.1 billion m3 of gas to Europe.
By late 2022, Azerbaijan plans to increase gas supplies to Europe to 9.1 billion m3, and in 2023, the volume of gas supplies is expected to reach 11 billion m3.