ADB may expand project to build floating solar power plant in Baku

MAY 31, 2022

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) may expand a pilot project to build a floating solar power plant with a total capacity of 100 kW on Boyukshor Lake, Asian Development Bank Country Director for Azerbaijan Candice McDeigan told.

"Boyukshor floating solar power plant is an innovative project. This pilot project is currently being implemented on a small scale. It will become another alternative energy source in Azerbaijan," McDeigan said.

According to her, solar panels have already been delivered to Baku within the project, and we expect them to be installed in the next few months:

"Then we will look at how successful the solar energy project is and, if necessary, expand it."

Notably, Gamma Solutions provides the floating solar station's engineering, procurement, construction, operation, and maintenance for two years.