Gas supplies to Europe via SGC will be increased next year

MARCH 13, 2022

Next year, gas supplies to Europe via the Southern Gas Corridor will be increased, Azerbaijani Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov said at a panel discussion on energy security within the Antalya Diplomacy Forum.

“We have enormous offshore gas resources in Azerbaijan. So it is 2.6 trillion proven gas resources. It would be enough for us and our partners, Turkey and in Europe, to provide with natural gas for the next hundred years. We have the infrastructure in place and we have increased interest from the consuming countries. If we bring all of them, we will come out with the decision to further extend the Southern Gas Corridor,” he noted.

When talking about the energy policy of Azerbaijan, it is necessary first of all to talk about close cooperation with Turkey and joint projects, he said.

Shahbazov noted that the development of energy is one of the main pillars of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations. The minister also stressed the importance of diversification in the transportation of energy resources.