Azerbaijan approves bill on fines for violation of rules for maintaining gas installations

FEBRUARY 16, 2022

The bill on new fines for violating the rules for the maintenance of gas installations and gas pipelines, chimneys, as well as ventilation lines has been approved by Azerbaijan’s Parliament.

The bills on amendments to the Law “On gas supplies” and the Code of Administrative Offenses were discussed in the second reading at the plenary session of the Azerbaijani parliament.

The project was designed to improve legislation to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

The draft law proposes to add Article 279.0.1-1 to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding violations of the rules for maintaining gas installations and gas pipelines, chimneys, and ventilation lines. Also, the new wording of Article 542 provides for fines for failure to comply with the requirements of the relevant executive authority controlling over gas supply.

According to the changes, individuals will be fined from 200 ($117.7) to 400 manat ($235.4), officials – from 1,000 ($588.5) to 1,500 manat ($882.78), and legal entities – from 2,500 ($1,471) to 3,000 manat ($1,765) for the violation.

The bills were put to the vote and adopted following the second reading.